24 ene 2013

SCCM by Davis: “Rod Trent posted an update in the group System Center Configuration Manager 2012: Confirmed: PCM 2.0 to get a re-release, not just a workaround” plus 19 more

SCCM by Davis: “Rod Trent posted an update in the group System Center Configuration Manager 2012: Confirmed: PCM 2.0 to get a re-release, not just a workaround” plus 19 more

Link to SCCM by Davis

Rod Trent posted an update in the group System Center Configuration Manager 2012: Confirmed: PCM 2.0 to get a re-release, not just a workaround

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 04:51 PM PST

Rod Trent wrote a new post, Confirmed: PCM 2.0 to get a re-release, not just a workaround

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 04:47 PM PST

In a comment to a recent post on the Package Conversion Manager (PCM) 2.0 bug (you can read about the bug and the workaround here: Confirmed: ConfigMgr 2012 PCM install is hard-coded to the C: drive), Shuyi Hsieh […]

Comments: 0

Rod Trent commented on the post, ConfigMgr 2012 SP1: Missing PCM icon even after a successful installation

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 04:23 PM PST

Thanks, Shuyi!

The workaround you mention was also posted as an update here:


Comments: 0

Shuyi Hsieh commented on the post, ConfigMgr 2012 SP1: Missing PCM icon even after a successful installation

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 04:09 PM PST

Hi Trent/Gertjan,

PCM will later release a version to fix this issue. This happens when Configuration Manager Admin Console installation path is not the default one.

At the meantime, there is a very simple […]

Comments: 0

PXE-E32: TFTP Open Timeout

Posted: 06 Dec 2012 05:59 AM PST


When the PXE client comes up with the PXE copyright message and
completes the DHCP phase, but then displays:


After a
while, the following error message is displayed:

PXE-E32: TFTP open timeout

Depending on the PXE client's system setup boot device list
configuration, the PC then either stops or tries to boot from the next boot
device in the system setup boot device list.


The "PXE-E32″ error indicates that the PXE did not get a reply from the TFTP server when sending a request to download its boot file. Possible causes for this problem

1. There is no TFTP server
2. The TFTP server is not running
3. TFTP and DHCP/BOOTP services are running on different machines, but the next-server (066) option was not specified


Make sure that a TFTP server is set up and running. When the TFTP service is running
on a different machine than the DHCP or BOOTP service, you need to add option
066 (next-server) to the DHCP/BOOTP server configuration, and set this option's
value to the IP address or "resolvable hostname" of the TFTP server. When option
066 (next-server) is not defined, the PXE client assumes that the TFTP service
is running on the same machine from which it received its DHCP/BOOTP
configuration information.


This problem occurs after you apply security update MS08-037.  For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:


MS08-037: Vulnerabilities in DNS could allow spoofing


Windows Server 2008 R2

Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:


How to back up and restore the registry in Windows

To work around this problem if you do not require Windows Deployment Services to use a static port range, you can configure Windows Deployment Services to dynamically query WinSock for available ports instead of using a port range.
To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Start Registry Editor. To do this, click Start
    Collapse this imageExpand this image , type regedit in the Start Search box, and then press ENTER.
    Collapse this imageExpand this image

    If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

  2. Locate and then click to select the following registry key:
  3. Right-click UdpPortPolicy, and then click Modify.
  4. In the Value data box, type 0, and then click OK.
  5. On the File menu, click Exit to exit Registry Editor.
  6. Restart Windows Deployment Services.

WDS logging can be enabled by editing the value of this registry key and setting it to


This then logs to %WINDIR%\tracing\WDSServer.log

One thing which can go wrong with TFTP is that WDS tries to use a temporary range of UDP ports, if any of these are already in use instead of nicely failing the connection and trying again on another port it simply borks, and fails, silently (unless you enable
the log…)

The logging in question is:

[8436] 12:01:36:
[698808][WDSPXE] [WDSPXE][UDP][Ep:] Sent To:
[8436] 12:01:36:
Expression: , Win32 Error=2
[8436] 12:01:36: [WDSTFTP][UDP][Ep=0]
Registration Failed (rc=2)
[8436] 12:01:36:
Expression: , Win32 Error=2

Oddly it seems that under "normal" operation
you get a lot of these:

[9488] 12:42:17:
Expression: , Win32 Error=5023

Auto-formations SCCM 2012

Posted: 06 Dec 2012 12:38 AM PST

Pour ceux qui souhaitent ce former à SCCM 2012, Microsoft met à disposition plusieurs outils :

  • la Microsoft Virtual Academy : cours sur les technos Microsoft articulés autour de vidéos, liens technet et QCMs pour valider les modules

Voici les modules du MVA :
-System Center Configuration Manager Technical Overview
-Deployment and Infrastructure Technical Overview
-Application Management
-Compliance and Settings Management
-Software Update Management
–Enabling Flexible Work Styles with Intelligent Infrastructure

Voici les modules du Virtual Lab :
-An Introduction to System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Video!
-Introduction to System Center 2012 Configuration Manager
-Orchestrator: Policy to Runbook Migration Tips
-Role Based Administration
-Hierarchy Install
-Settings Management
-Application Management
-Content Management
-Managing Clients
- OSD Bare Metal
-Basic Software Distribution
-Advanced Software Distribution
-Software Updates
-Endpoint Protection
-Migrating from Configuration Manager 2007 to Configuration Manager 2012

SCCM 2012 Toolkit

Posted: 05 Dec 2012 06:20 AM PST

Il existe plusieurs add-ons et extenstions pour SCCM 2012 téléchargeables ici.

Il y en a un qui a retenu mon attention: il s'agit de RBAViewer disponible dans le System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Toolkit

Role-based Administration Modeling and Auditing Tool – This tool helps administrators to model and audit RBA configurations.

Cet outil permet entre autre de :
-exporter des Security roles personnalisés
-visualiser les objets d'un security scope
-avoir un apperçu de la console et des différents objets affichés pour un compte spécifique


Afin de pouvoir utiliser cet outil, il est indispensable que la console SCCM 2012 soit installée sur la machine.

Как правильно подключиться к SMS провайдеру через WMI

Posted: 04 Dec 2012 01:25 PM PST

Итак, первый мой пост будет о том как правильно подключаться к SMS провайдеру из PowerShell.

В скриптах, которые работают с wmi провайдером SCCM можно часто увидеть подобный код:

#Имя известного сервера SCCM

#Получаем провайдера
$SMSProvider = Get-WmiObject
-query "select * from SMS_ProviderLocation where ProviderForLocalSite = true"
-Namespace "root\sms"
-computername $SrvName

#Подключаемся все к тому же известному серверу
$Sites = Get-WmiObject -query "select * from SMS_Site"
-Namespace ("root\sms\site_"+$SMSProvider.SiteCode)
-computername $SrvName

И этот код будет работать, пока кто-нибудь не перенесет провайдера на другой сервер – и тогда возникнут проблемы. Вот тут How to Connect to an SMS Provider рассказывается как правильно подключаться к SMS провайдеру на vbScript, я же приведу подправленный код на PowerShell:

#Имя известного сервера SCCM

#Получаем провайдера
$SMSProvider = Get-WmiObject
-query "select * from SMS_ProviderLocation where ProviderForLocalSite = true"
-Namespace "root\sms"
-computername $SrvName

#Подключаемся к серверу, указанному в провайдере
$Sites = Get-WmiObject -query "select * from SMS_Site"
-Namespace ("root\sms\site_"+$SMSProvider.SiteCode)
-computername $SMSProvider.Machine

SCCM - Merge Duplicate Systems

Posted: 04 Dec 2012 09:59 AM PST

1. Expand System Center Configuration Manager\Site Database\Site Management\<SiteCode> – <SiteName>\Site Settings\Status Filter Rules\

2. Right-click "Status Filter Rules" and select "New Status Filter Rule"

3. Give the Status Filter Rule a unique name.

4. Set "Source" to "ConfigMgr Client"

5. Set "Side code" to <SiteCode>

6. Set "Message ID" to "11171″

7. Set "Property" to "Advertisement ID"

8. Set "Property value" to the advertisement ID of the Operating System Deployment task sequence.

9. Set "Run a program" to the patch of the following batch script, i.e. "D:\Tools\scripts\CMDWrapper.bat %msgsc %msgsys %sitesvr"

10.  Here is the batch file contents:

call cscript D:\Tools\scripts\DeleteDuplicatedRecord.vbs %1 %2 %3

11. Here is the "DeleteDuplicatedRecords.vbs" contents:

'======Delete duplicate recorde
'======Usage DeleteDuplicateRecords <sitecode> <SystemNetBIOSName> <servername>
Const ForAppending = 8
Const Interval = 30 'in minutes, only support 30 and 60. Please
Const Tolerent = 10 'in minutes, make sure the good record has the name now.
'implement if you want another value
Const sFileName = "D:\Tools\scripts\DeleteDuplicatedRecordsLog.log"
'======Create/Append Log Files
Dim oFilesys, oFiletxt, sPath
Set oFilesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if (oFilesys.FileExists(sFileName)) Then
Set oFiletxt = oFileSys.OpenTextFile(sFileName, ForAppending, True)
Set oFiletxt = oFilesys.CreateTextFile(sFileName, False)
End if
oFiletxt.WriteLine("============" &Now())
'======Check Parameters
if (WScript.arguments.count <> 3) then
oFiletxt.WriteLine("Usage DeleteDuplicatedRecords <sitecode> <SystemNetBIOSName> <servername>")
oFiletxt.WriteLine("SiteCode = " & WSCript.arguments(0))
oFiletxt.WriteLine("Machine name = " & WSCript.arguments(1))
oFiletxt.WriteLine("ServerName = " & WSCript.arguments(2))
end if
'======Connect to SMS Provider
Set lLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
Set gService = lLocator.ConnectServer(".","root\sms\site_" + SiteCode)
Set swbemContext = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet")
swbemContext.Add "SessionHandle", gService.ExecMethod("SMS_SiteControlFile", "GetSessionHandle").SessionHandle
'======If you give the computer a new machine name, you need to query for the new machine name
oFiletxt.WriteLine("Wait for 5 minutes for the client to register successfully")
WScript.Sleep 1000*60*5
oFiletxt.WriteLine("wake up: " &Now())
oFiletxt.WriteLine("Check to see if the machine name has been changed")
statusMessageQuery = "select RecordID from SMS_StatMsg where MessageID = 11171 and MachineName = '" & MachineName & "' order by RecordID desc"
Set statusMessages = gService.ExecQuery(statusMessageQuery)
if (statusMessages.Count < 1) then
oFiletxt.WriteLine("No Status Message with ID = 11171 and MachineName = " & MachineName & ", exiting…")
end if
For each statusMessage in statusMessages
RecordID = statusMessage.RecordID
exit for
oFiletxt.WriteLine("Status Message RecordID = " & RecordID)
statusMessageAttributeQuery = "select AttributeValue from SMS_StatMsgAttributes where RecordID = '" & RecordID & "' and AttributeID = 408″
Set statusMessagesAttributes = gService.ExecQuery(statusMessageAttributeQuery)
if (statusMessagesAttributes.Count < 1) then
oFiletxt.WriteLine("No Status Message Attribute with AttributeID = 408 and RecordID = " & RecordID & ", exiting…")
end if
For each statusMessagesAttribute in statusMessagesAttributes
GUID = statusMessagesAttribute.AttributeValue
exit for
oFiletxt.WriteLine("SMS Client GUID = " & GUID)
machineNameQuery = "select NetbiosName from SMS_R_System where SMSUniqueIdentifier = '" & GUID & "'"
Set machineNames = gService.ExecQuery(machineNameQuery)
if (statusMessagesAttributes.Count < 1) then
oFiletxt.WriteLine("No Systems with SMSGUID = " & GUID & ", using the Machine Name in the status message")
For each newMachineName in machineNames
MachineName= newMachineName.NetbiosName
exit for
oFiletxt.WriteLine("New MachineName = " & MachineName)
end if
'======Find the system with the specific machine name.
duplicateRecordsQuery = "select * from SMS_R_System where NetBIOSName = '" + MachineName + "'"
Set duplicatedRecords = gService.ExecQuery(duplicateRecordsQuery)
if (duplicatedRecords.Count < 1) then
oFiletxt.WriteLine("Didn't find the machine, exiting…")
end if
'======Delete if the Client, Client Type, Hardware ID, SMBIOSGUID, SMSUniqueIdentifier is null
Deleted = 0
for each item in duplicatedRecords
Active = item.Properties_.Item("Active")
AgentName= item.Properties_.Item("AgentName")
Client = item.Properties_.Item("Client")
ClientType = item.Properties_.Item("ClientType")
HardwareID = item.Properties_.Item("HardwareID")
Name = item.Properties_.Item("Name")
NetbiosName = item.Properties_.Item("NetbiosName")
ResourceId = item.Properties_.Item("ResourceId")
SMBIOSGUID = item.Properties_.Item("SMBIOSGUID")
SMSUniqueIdentifier = item.Properties_.Item("SMSUniqueIdentifier")
oFiletxt.WriteLine("Active: " & Active)
for each AgentNameInstance in AgentName
oFiletxt.WriteLine("AgentName: " & AgentNameInstance)
oFiletxt.WriteLine("Client: " & Client)
oFiletxt.WriteLine("ClientType: " & ClientType)
oFiletxt.WriteLine("HardwareID: " & HardwareID)
oFiletxt.WriteLine("Name: " & Name)
oFiletxt.WriteLine("NetbiosName: " & NetbiosName)
oFiletxt.WriteLine("RecourceId: " & ResourceId)
oFiletxt.WriteLine("SMBIOSGUID: " & SMBIOSGUID)
oFiletxt.WriteLine("SMSUniqueIdentifier: " & SMSUniqueIdentifier)
if (IsNull(Active) and IsNull(Client) and IsNull(ClientType) and IsNull(HardwareID) and IsNull(SMBIOSGUID) and IsNull(SMSUniqueIdentifier)) then
oFiletxt.WriteLine("Delete this one: ResourceId = " & ResourceId)
'Delete Record when there's duplicate and it's active/SMBIOSGUID, etc is null
oFiletxt.WriteLine("Deleted item: ResourceId = " & ResourceId)
Deleted = 1
end if
if (Deleted <> 1) then
oFiletxt.WriteLine("Didn't delete anything, exiting…")
end if
'======If there's delete operation, trigger a full AD Group/SG discovery in no later than half hour.
'======Get the Current Time & Calculate Next full schedule time.
CurrentTime = Now
CurrentTime = DateAdd("n", Tolerent, CurrentTime)
oFiletxt.WriteLine("Defined Interval: " & Interval)
oFiletxt.WriteLine("Current Time: "& CurrentTime)
MinusSec = 0 – Second(CurrentTime)
MinusMin = 0 – Minute(CurrentTime)
CurrentTime = DateAdd("s",MinusSec,CurrentTime)
if (Interval = 60) then
CurrentTime = DateAdd("n",MinusMin,CurrentTime)
CurrentTime = DateAdd("h",1,CurrentTime)
if (Interval = 30) then
if (Minute(CurrentTime) <= 30) then
CurrentTime = DateAdd("n", 30 + MinusMin, CurrentTime)
CurrentTime = DateAdd("n", MinusMin,CurrentTime)
CurrentTime = DateAdd("h",1,CurrentTime)
end if
end if
end if
NextPlannedTime = CreateWMITime(CurrentTime)
oFiletxt.WriteLine("Next Planned Full Sync Time: "& NextPlannedTime)

'======Set the Startup Time of the next full discovery
Call ScheduleFullSync("SMS_AD_SYSTEM_GROUP_DISCOVERY_AGENT", SiteCode, ServerName, NextPlannedTime)
Call ScheduleFullSync("SMS_AD_SECURITY_GROUP_DISCOVERY_AGENT", SiteCode, ServerName, NextPlannedTime)
oFiletxt.WriteLine("Successfully Configured, exiting…")
'======End of the script
Function ScheduleFullSync(DiscoveryMethodName, SiteCode, ServerName, NextPlannedTime)
oFiletxt.WriteLine("Now Configure " & DiscoveryMethodName)
Dim DeltaEnabled 'Whether the delta discovery is enabled
Dim StartupPropertyName 'Startup Schedule or Full Sync Schedule depends on whether delta discovery is enabled or not.
Dim StartUpTime
DeltaEnabled = false
Query = "SELECT * FROM SMS_SCI_Component " & _
"WHERE ItemName = '" & DiscoveryMethodName & "|" & ucase(serverName) & "' " & _
"AND SiteCode = '" & siteCode & "'"

oFiletxt.WriteLine("[Debug]Query = " & Query)
'Get the Discovery Agent properties.
Set SCIComponentSet = gService.ExecQuery(Query, ,wbemFlagForwardOnly Or wbemFlagReturnImmediately, swbemContext)
'First Loop to see if delta discovery is enabled
For Each SCIComponent In SCIComponentSet

' Loop through the array of embedded SMS_EmbeddedProperty instances.
For Each vProperty In SCIComponent.Props

' Setting: Delta Discovery Enabled or not
if (vProperty.PropertyName = "Enable Incremental Sync") then
oFiletxt.WriteLine ("Delte Discovery value: " & vProperty.value)
DeltaEnabled = vProperty.Value
end if
' Setting: if full schedule is enabled or not
if (vProperty.PropertyName = "SETTINGS") then
oFiletxt.WriteLine ("Active: " & vProperty.value1)
if (vProperty.value1 = "INACTIVE") then
oFiletxt.WriteLine ("Discovery not enabled, exist Function")
exit Function
end if
end if
'======If Delta Discovery is enabled, then PropertyName is "Startup Schedule", else, it's "Full Sync Schedule".
if (DeltaEnabled = false) then
StartupPropertyName = "Startup Schedule"
StartupPropertyName = "Full Sync Schedule"
end if
'Second loop to get the Startup time
For Each SCIComponent In SCIComponentSet

' Loop through the array of embedded SMS_EmbeddedProperty instances.
For Each vProperty In SCIComponent.Props
oFiletxt.WriteLine("check Property Name: " & StartupPropertyName)
' Setting: Startup Schedule
If vProperty.PropertyName = StartupPropertyName Then
StartUpScheduleToken = vProperty.Value1
oFiletxt.WriteLine("Original StartUpScheduleToken: " & StartUpScheduleToken)
Set InParams = gService.Get("SMS_ScheduleMethods").Methods_("ReadFromString").InParameters.SpawnInstance_
InParams.StringData = StartUpScheduleToken
set outParams = gService.ExecMethod("SMS_ScheduleMethods","ReadFromString",InParams,,swbemContext)
oFiletxt.WriteLine("**DayDuration:" & outParams.TokenData(0).DayDuration)
oFiletxt.WriteLine("**HourDuration:" & outParams.TokenData(0).HourDuration)
oFiletxt.WriteLine("**MinuteDuration:" & outParams.TokenData(0).MinuteDuration)
oFiletxt.WriteLine("**DaySpan:" & outParams.TokenData(0).DaySpan)
oFiletxt.WriteLine("**HourSpan:" & outParams.TokenData(0).HourSpan)
oFiletxt.WriteLine("**MinuteSpan:" & outParams.TokenData(0).MinuteSpan)
oFiletxt.WriteLine("**StartTime:" & outParams.TokenData(0).StartTime)
oFiletxt.WriteLine("**IsGMT:" & outParams.TokenData(0).IsGMT)
StartUpTime = outParams.TokenData(0).StartTime
'If Startup Time not equal to planned next schedule time, update is.
if (StartUpTime <> NextPlannedTime) then
oFiletxt.WriteLine("Original Startup time != Planned time, update it")
outParams.TokenData(0).StartTime = NextPlannedTime
Set clsScheduleMethod = gService.Get("SMS_ScheduleMethods")
clsScheduleMethod.WriteToString Array(outParams.TokenData(0)), NextPlannedTimeScheduleToken
oFiletxt.WriteLine("NextPlannedTimeScheduleToken:" & NextPlannedTimeScheduleToken)
vProperty.value1 = NextPlannedTimeScheduleToken
Set SCICompPath = SCIComponent.Put_(wbemChangeFlagUpdateOnly, swbemContext)
' Commit the change to the actual site control file.
Set InParams = gService.Get("SMS_SiteControlFile").Methods_("CommitSCF").InParameters.SpawnInstance_
InParams.SiteCode = siteCode
gService.ExecMethod "SMS_SiteControlFile", "CommitSCF", InParams, , swbemContext
oFiletxt.WriteLine("Next schedule time is within 30 minutes, will not change")
End If
End If
End Function
Function CreateWMITime(StringTime)
Dim iYear,iMonth, iDay, iHour, iMinute, iSecond
iYear = Year(StringTime)
iMonth = Month(StringTime)
iDay = Day(StringTime)
iHour = Hour(StringTime)
iMinute = Minute(StringTime)
iSecond = Second(StringTime)

if len(iMonth)<2 then
iMonth = "0″ & iMonth
End if
if len(iDay)<2 then
iDay = "0″ & iDay
End if
if len(iHour)<2 then
iHour = "0″ & iHour
End if
if len(iMinute)<2 then
iMinute = "0″ & iMinute
End if
if len(iSecond)<2 then
iSecond = "0″ & iSecond
End if
CreateWMITime = iYear & iMonth & iDay & iHour & iMinute & iSecond & ".000000+***"
if len(CreateWMITime)<25 or len(CreateWMITime)>25 then
CreateWMITime = ""
end if
End Function

Bugs with SCCM 2012 And Powershell v3

Posted: 03 Dec 2012 05:15 PM PST

There is a known bug with the SCCM MP and powershell/WMI v3 if you have the SCCM agent installed on your Management Point Server.  When the SCCM agent health check runs nightly it rebuilds WMI and breaks the MP.

I opened a case with Microsoft support they confirmed that there was a known bug with WMF 3.0 and SCCM MP. they had two options to resolve this

1. unisntall WMF 3.0 and uninstall the SCCM agent from the Management point Server (would need to uninstall and reinstall the MP after SCCM agent is removed)

2. edit the NotifyOnly Regkey to TRUE. full path to the Key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CCM\CcmEval\NotifyOnly

They attempted to uninstall WMF 3.0 and reinstall the Management Point with the following steps

1. unisntall WMF 3.0

2. Uninstall the SCCM agent

3. Uninstall SCCM MP

4. run CCMClean from the SMS 2003 toolkit

5. reinstall the MP and SCCM agent

the MP still failed when the SCCM agent health check was run. So we disabled the notifyOnly RegKey on the SCCM MP and then things were back to normal with the exception that the SCCM agent health check does not fix WMI issues.

The notifyonly regkey tells the agent to not attempt to fix WMI if the agent thinks WMI is unhealthy.

The problem is related to WMI 3.0 that is installed with powershell v3.

Microsoft has not confirmed that the bug is really related to the client but from what I have seen I believe that is the case also we had many other applications Veeam,  was the big one that we had issues with if a job was running when the SCCM agent did it's health check.

Ways to detect the problem

1. In the application event log there is an event ID 4 logged every night shortly after the sccm agent health check is scheduled to run.

SCCM Powershell V3 Error

2. Multiple applications that rely on WMI start failing between 12am and 2am.

The official SCCM team has bloged about this also  http://blogs.technet.com/b/configmgrteam/archive/2012/12/18/known-issue-configuration-manager-management-points-collocated-with-clients-fail.aspx

Related: I also found this post on the Exchange team's blog yesterday, stating that you should not install WMF 3.0 on exchange 2007 or 2010 yet.  http://blogs.technet.com/b/exchange/archive/2012/12/14/windows-management-framework-3-0-on-exchange-2007-and-exchange-2010.aspx

Rod Trent wrote a new post, Rehash: How soon will you roll out System Center 2012 SP1?

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 03:50 PM PST

ThumbnailWith SP1 now publicly released and potential issues with the service pack identified, the story of SP1 has changed a bit.  Not aware of the issues?  Check out: System Center 2012 SP1 Woes, Gotchas, and […]

Comments: 0

Blake Farrell and juliebailey are now friends

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 02:56 PM PST

Comments: 0

Rod Trent posted an update in the group Industry Buzz: Symantec takes a press release to announce a new strategy, […]

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 02:52 PM PST

Blake Farrell posted an update: So what can we expect from myITforum at MMS 2013 and how do […]

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 02:44 PM PST

So what can we expect from myITforum at MMS 2013 and how do we get tickets? I was told by Jason Rutherford @ Oakwood Systems to drop Julie Bailey's name. I'll pick it back up if requested.

Comments: 1

Blake Farrell joined the group Microsoft Management Summit

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 02:39 PM PST

Comments: 0

Rod Trent posted an update in the group Windows Intune: Microsoft Virtual Academy to deliver an 8 hour Windows […]

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 02:29 PM PST

Rod Trent wrote a new post, Microsoft Virtual Academy to deliver an 8 hour Windows Intune Jump Start on January 31st

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 02:27 PM PST

The MVA team is providing a live virtual event on January 31, 2013 to deliver an awesome outline around the latest rev of Windows Intune.

Course Outline:

(01) Big Picture with Windows Intune
(02) Architecture […]

Comments: 0

Rod Trent posted an update in the group System Center Service Manager: Server Manager 2012 SP1 test lab guide available

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 02:07 PM PST

Rod Trent wrote a new post, Server Manager 2012 SP1 test lab guide available

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 02:04 PM PST

Microsoft has released a 44 page guide that gives you a complete walk-through for installing Service Manager with SP1 in your lab.

Per the description:

This document will help architects, consultants, system […]

Comments: 0

Rod Trent wrote a new post, Symantec takes a press release to announce a new strategy, void of Altiris

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 01:51 PM PST

In case you missed it recently, Symantec is dumping the Altiris brand for less than they paid for it.  This had folks scratching their head.  As a former employee of Altiris myself, it immediately had me wondering […]

Comments: 0

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SCCM by Davis