11 dic 2012

SCCM by Davis: “Ivan Kruger started the forum topic Windows 7 and WES7 Collection Queries in the group System Center Configuration Manager 2007” plus 19 more

SCCM by Davis: “Ivan Kruger started the forum topic Windows 7 and WES7 Collection Queries in the group System Center Configuration Manager 2007” plus 19 more

Link to SCCM by Davis

Ivan Kruger started the forum topic Windows 7 and WES7 Collection Queries in the group System Center Configuration Manager 2007

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 10:44 PM PST

Hi Guys,

I would like to know if anyone would be able to assist me in creating a collection query for all windows 7 workstations, currently we are using the below query, but we recently started investing in […]

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Ivan Kruger joined the group System Center Configuration Manager 2007

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 10:37 PM PST

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AT&T Continues to Roll Out 4G LTE to More Cities

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 08:20 PM PST

Grand Rapids, Mich., Nashua, N.H., and Wilkes-Barre, Pa., are among the latest communities to get AT&T's 4G LTE service.

Windows Management Experts posted an update: DPM Tape Backup Troubleshooting While recently setting up […]

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 04:24 PM PST

DPM Tape Backup Troubleshooting
While recently setting up tape library sharing in DPM 2012 in an enterprise class environment I ran into several snags. So let's explore those hurdles and how we can overcome them!

But before we dive into the fun lets get some acronyms out of the way:
● LCS (Library Control Server) server: the only DPM server that controls the medium changer. This server also shares its tape configuration with the LTC.
● LTC (Library Tape Client): Any DPM server that connects to the LCS. It asks the LCS to handle media on it's behalf.

First Steps
Run through ALL the steps listed in this great article: http://blogs.technet.com/b/dpm/archive/2011/12/20/how-to-troubleshoot-tape-library-sharing-configuration-issues-in-dpm-2010.aspx
EXCEPT the last one as you really should not have to move the LCS to a new host. If you're at that point, you should just rebuild the LCS.
Issue One
First problem is how do you make one tape library accessible to many DPM servers? Tape library sharing! While this is a good attempt to make tape backups work in an enterprise, it comes with it's share of problems. So assuming you've followed the instructions at http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh758124.aspx you should have a working library right? No! Now onto problem 2.

Issue Two
The link above doesn't make any mention of SAN zoning other than "The tape library must be in a storage area network (SAN) environment." Well, this is a bit misleading and what does it really mean? Also, how about multi-pathing, how is that handled? So let's break it down:
1 If the tape library has a separate WWN for the robotics, then use it! This allows the zoning of only the robotics or media changer to the LCS and the drives to the LTC.
2 If the tape library does not have separate WWNs for the media changer and drives then you will have to take note of section 2 "Check the Medium Changer in Device Manager" http://blogs.technet.com/b/dpm/archive/2011/12/20/how-to-troubleshoot-tape-library-sharing-configuration-issues-in-dpm-2010.aspx. Since the LTC can see the media changer, you need to be sure to disable the media changer device so that TLC cannot communicate with the media changer.
3 The MPIO feature built into Windows can combine multiple paths for SAN devices, however, this does not work for tape drives. If you do both, then the OS will see 1 drive as two separate drives and you will have a mess in DPM. So you can only zone the drives and robotics on one path.

Issue Three
Even after getting tape library sharing to work and setting the auto refresh to the minimum five minutes, there are still time when the library does not show in the GUI. From my understanding this can happen when two LTCs access the TLS at the same time. But after waiting a few minutes and hitting refresh the library comes back up and you can proceed.

However, there are several instance where the tape library information on the LTC does not match the TLS. For example, the TLS shows one library, two drives, and twenty slots, but the LTC only shows part of that. The easiest solution in this is to start over. However that is not documented anywhere. You could try the below, which won't work.
AddLibraryServerForDpm.exe -DpmServerWithLibrary TLS.FQDN -remove
SetSharedDpmDatabase.exe -removedatabasesharing
Why doesn't this work? Because it still leaves the linked server objects in SQL server:

Another point is the sharing related settings in tbl_DLS_GlobalSetting table are not removed either.
So here's the proper way to clean up and start over on the LTC:
1 Run the built-in commands to remove sharing:
AddLibraryServerForDpm.exe -DpmServerWithLibrary TLS.FQDN -remove
SetSharedDpmDatabase.exe -removedatabasesharing
2 Manually removed the linked servers and entries in the tbl_DLS_GlobalSetting, or just run this SQL query (note the redundant 'USE [master]' and 'GO' could probably be removed, but I haven't tested the process without them):
USE [master]
EXEC master.dbo.sp_dropserver @server=N'GlobalServerDPMDB', @droplogins='droplogins'
USE [master]
EXEC master.dbo.sp_dropserver @server=N'NewGlobalServerDPMDB', @droplogins='droplogins'
USE [master]
EXEC master.dbo.sp_dropserver @server=N'OldGlobalServerDPMDB', @droplogins='droplogins'
use [DPMDB]
DELETE FROM [DPMDB].[dbo].[tbl_DLS_GlobalSetting]
WHERE PropertyName = 'GlobalServerDPMDB' OR PropertyName='LinkedServerName'
3 Re-enable tape library sharing
4 Open SQL MGMT studio and run the following on a new query:
select * from tbl_mm_library
5 There should be an entry for robot with all the settings expected. However, the DPM GUI still doesn't show it. So in the query window results, scroll to the right to the IsOffline column. If it's set to 1, aka TRUE, then that's why it's not showing up.
6 Run the below query replacing the [LibraryID] with the vaule from the results from step 5 in the LibraryID column:
update tbl_MM_Library
set IsOffline = 0
where LibraryId = '[LibraryID]'
7 Restart the DPM GUI
8 Do a fast inventory
9 Refresh the tape library info

That should be it and in a few cases might not work, so you'll have to restart the process at least once.

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Winston Hinton commented on the post, myITforum on Google+ communities

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 03:15 PM PST

The link appears to be broken.

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Enhansoft and René Kierstein are now friends

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 12:38 PM PST

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Jaosn Sheppard joined the group System Center Configuration Manager 2007

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 11:38 AM PST

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antipro commented on the post, Cleaning Up Old PC Monitor Data

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 11:19 AM PST

thanks anyway

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Enhansoft commented on the post, Cleaning Up Old PC Monitor Data

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 11:04 AM PST

Cleaning out the old monitory data will not help in this situation. I'm not sure how you would set the priority of the DVI monitor.. Honestly I have never looked. Sorry.

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Nash Pherson joined the group SCCM Right-click tools

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 09:25 AM PST

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Jaosn Sheppard became a registered member

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 09:00 AM PST

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antipro commented on the post, Cleaning Up Old PC Monitor Data

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 08:44 AM PST

I can't edit my messages, there are some grammatical errors. :)

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antipro commented on the post, Cleaning Up Old PC Monitor Data

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 08:40 AM PST

I removed the video card, then I cleared CMOS , so I tried to start a new windows installation with only the first DVI monitor attached, then after installing ATI drivers, I connected the DP-DVI one, then […]

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antipro commented on the post, Cleaning Up Old PC Monitor Data

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 08:20 AM PST

well, fortunately I've remembered the password, cause I formatted and now, on another pc, I was looking for retriving password but I got this error: "The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error […]

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Rod Trent posted an update in the group Software Licensing and SAM: Did Your Company Conduct a Self-Audit for Software Compliance in 2012?

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 07:56 AM PST

Dana Daugherty wrote a new post, Did Your Company Conduct a Self-Audit for Software Compliance in 2012?

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 07:54 AM PST

ThumbnailDilbet did...well sort of. If you skipped your self-audit then you should make it top priority for 2013. Read on to find out how to get started.

There's a good chance you will have a vendor initiated software […]

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Flexera Software wrote a new post, What is Desktop Transformation and What Does it Mean for Applications?

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 07:00 AM PST

By: Randy Littleson
There's a lot of hype these days around desktop transformation. What exactly is it? One of the more conventional definitions is that desktop transformation is about using technologies like […]

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Rod Trent posted an update in the group myITforum Bug reports, Suggestions and Comments: myITforum on Google+ communities

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 05:25 AM PST

Rod Trent posted an update in the group System Center Operations Manager: Lync Server 2013 Monitoring Management Pack released, update […]

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 05:23 AM PST

Admin for myITforum.com wrote a new post, myITforum on Google+ communities

Posted: 10 Dec 2012 05:23 AM PST

ThumbnailAs most of you know, we're just about everywhere these days.  You can find us a various conferences providing community and social media support, but you can also find us in numerous places on the web.  If you […]

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SCCM by Davis