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- Mike Terrill wrote a new post, How to delete multiple Packages using PowerShell with ConfigMgr 2012 SP1
- Mike Terrill wrote a new post, How to delete multiple Packages using PowerShell with ConfigMgr 2012 SP1
- Windows Management Experts posted an update: Creating an Endpoint Protection Alert using System Center […]
- Softbank Will Have to Increase Its Bid for Sprint: Analysts
- Rod Trent wrote a new post, Coretech releases the Distribution Point Utilization Monitor
- Raphael Perez wrote a new post, SCCM 2007 HealthCheck Toolkit goes PowerShell and Free
- SCCM 2012 OSD Driver Management - Advanced Tips
- SCCM 2012 Dev Installation - Scripted
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- Verizon Wireless Made Discreet Bid for Clearwire Spectrum: Report
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peterrock58 became a registered member Posted: 17 Apr 2013 02:40 AM PDT Comments: 0 |
Posted: 16 Apr 2013 10:14 PM PDT |
Posted: 16 Apr 2013 09:02 PM PDT |
Posted: 16 Apr 2013 09:02 PM PDT |
Posted: 16 Apr 2013 09:41 PM PDT Creating an Endpoint Protection Alert using System Center Orchestrator CM 2012 does not provide a built-in method for alerting administrators when a remediation action fails for Endpoint Protection. When remediation fails, the device is still considered infected. Even more of a concern is if the infection changes Endpoint Protection settings. This is the first of a two part series that will go over how to create an alert so that administrators can be notified when remediation fails. This part goes through the first half of creating the run-book, and next week will be the second half, and the other run-book that is required. Background In the Monitoring node on the CM 2012 console is a section for Endpoint Protection. If you expand this node, and select "System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection Status", you can see a chart like this: This chart shows you what is happening in almost real time. As you can see, I have four devices where remediation failed (ie the device is still infected) and one device where the malware modified the client settings. These are the machines we are focusing on. By default, this chart updates every 20 minutes when Endpoint Protection summarization runs. You can set that value lower or higher by using the CM 2012 PowerShell cmdlets. Simply connect to CM 2012 using PowerShell (in the file menu of the console) and type: Set-CMEndpointProtectionSummarizationSchedule -Interval -UnitType To complete this runbook, your Orchestrator service account will need at least "Read-Only Analyst" in the CM 2012 console. This allows the service to execute WMI queries again CM 2012. If you want to do the query database step to grab the path of the infection, the Orchestrator service account will need "db_datareader" access to your CM 2012 database. You will also need to open port 1433 (TCP and UDP) from your Orchestrator runbook server to the server running the CM 2012 database. If you do not use the default SQL port, replace 1433 with the port number you use. Preparing the System For my process, I create a marker file that is the name of the device. I create this file in a share on the runbook server. You need to create this share before building the runbook. Creating the share is outside the scope of this article, but I do recommend hiding it (simply put a dollar sign ($) after the share name). Your Orchestrator service account will need Full Control rights for the share, and Read / Write / Modify NTFS rights to the folder containing the files. When the runbook executes, it creates this file after sending the alert email. When the runbook executes again, it checks this directory for those files, and does not send another email if a file with the infected computer name exists. This is to prevent you from getting multiple emails for a single computer. I then have another runbook that runs that deletes these files once the computer is cleaned (more on that later). Creating the Alert Runbook Here is a picture of what your runbook will look like: It looks complicated, but it's actually quite simple. The items on the top line are the "essential" processes. These are what gathers the data and does the processing. The bottom line can be left out if you want. I will go through each one individually. Find Computers with Remediation Errors To get started, expand the "System" integration pack and drag a "Run .Net Script" activity into your workspace. Open it, click the "General" node, and give this step a name. I named mine "Find Computers with Remediation Errors". Next, go back to the "Details" node, and set the language type to PowerShell. In the box, paste this code: $a = @() Next, click on the "Published Data" node. Click the "Add" button, and fill the box in like this: This publishes the list of devices to the next step. The variable name field is the value you assigned to the variable, and the name field is a common name for the variable. Check to see if Computer has Alerted Already Drag another "Run .Net Script" activity into your workspace. Open it, give it a name, and return to the Details node. Change the language type to PowerShell, and paste the following code into the script box: $comps = "{Computer Name from "Find Computers with Remediation Errors"}" $alerted = "No" ForEach ($comp in $comps) { Delete the "{Computer Name from "Find Computers with Remediation Errors"}" part (leaving the outside quotes). In its place, right-click, go to "Subscribe", and select "Published Data". Select "Computer Name" from the box, and click ok. This inserts the variable. Remember this, as we will be doing this a lot through the rest of the article. Now we need to publish some more data. Open the "Published Data" node again, select "Add", and fill the box out like this: This publishes the "alerted" variable to the next step, which tells the system there has already been an alert generated for this device. Process Computer Data Next, create another "Run .Net Script" activity. Open it, give it a name, and go to the "Details" node. Change the type to PowerShell. This the main activity in the runbook. It is what gathers all of the data needed to generate the alert email. Paste this code into the script box: $comp = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName -namespace "root\sms\site_ " -class SMS_CombinedDeviceResources | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name - ForEach ($infection in $comp) { $compname = $infection.Name If (($infection.EPLastFullScanDateTimeEnd) -gt "1″) {$fullscan = If (($infection.EPLastInfectionTime) -gt "1″) {$lastinf = $usra = (Get-WmiObject -ComputerName -namespace "root\sms\site_" -class SMS_UserMachineRelationship | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.ResourceName - If ($usr -like "*") { $ipa = (Get-WmiObject -ComputerName -namespace "root\sms\site_ " -class SMS_R_System | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -eq "{Computer Name If ($ip -like ".*") { In this step, we are running three WMI queries against the CM 2012 server. The first pulls all relevant information from the SMS_CombinedDeviceResourses class. It is pulling the computer name, the resource ID of the infected client, the name of the infection, the anti-virus definition file version, the date and time of the last definition update, the date and time of the last full scan, and the date and time that the device was infected. All of this data, except for the resource ID, will be used in the email. We will need the resource ID for the query database step. All of the date and time variables are channeled through IF statements because the "ConvertToDateTime" action will error the PowerShell statement if the field is blank. I am not sure at this point why the field would be blank, but I have noticed it in some cases. The second WMI query is pulling the primary user of the machine. It is also tunneled through an IF statement, because that value can also be a local user. This step pulls local users out, and only sends through the domain user. This is important in the "Get User" step that is coming up. Replace with your domain name. Finally, the third WMI query is pulling the IP address(es). This is piped through an IF statement also to strip off non-company IP addresses that get stored in CM 2012. Replace with the first two sets of numbers from your organization's IP range. Make sure you keep the ".*" as is. It would appear that this section would form an array if a computer has a wired and wireless card. Because we do not have $ippub = @(), the array is never actually formed. If you actually type this into PowerShell and view the output, it will look similar to "". This is the purpose of the next item. We will split these into two sections. It is important that this step is not an array, because Orchestrator recognizes an array and splits it into separate jobs, which would create two emails for one computer. This process (not adding $ippub = @()), essentially "flattens" the array. Now we need to set up our published data. If you go to the "Published Data", set it up like this using the same method from above: To finish this action, we need to modify the connection between "Check to see if computer has already alerted" and "Process Computer Data". If you double-click on the arrow connecting the two, you get a box like this: If you click on "Check to see if computer has alerted already", you select "alerted". Once you do that, the statement changes so that it will only proceed if "alerted" equals some value. You specify this value by clicking on "value". Put a value of No in this box. Once complete, it should look like this: This concludes this part of the series. Next week we will talk about the second half of this runbook, and the runbook that removes the markers when created. Comments: 0 |
Softbank Will Have to Increase Its Bid for Sprint: Analysts Posted: 16 Apr 2013 08:15 PM PDT Softbank, in response to Dish's offer to Sprint, has said the pair's deal is nearly done, but analysts believe the terms may have to change. |
Rod Trent wrote a new post, Coretech releases the Distribution Point Utilization Monitor Posted: 16 Apr 2013 08:45 PM PDT Kent Agerlund dropped me a note today with a heads-up about a new utility for ConfigMgr 2012 that Coretech has released. From the utility page:
Comments: 0 |
Raphael Perez wrote a new post, SCCM 2007 HealthCheck Toolkit goes PowerShell and Free Posted: 16 Apr 2013 08:09 PM PDT The SCCM 2007 HealthCheck Toolkit was initially developed by dotNetwork. dotNetwork was the brand used by Raphael Perez, MVP in Enterprise Client Management, to perform consultancy and training. During 2012, […] Comments: 0 |
SCCM 2012 OSD Driver Management - Advanced Tips Posted: 03 Mar 2013 08:43 PM PST I've got a few tips for working with OSD drivers in SCCM. Here we go: Finding the Model Name in WinPEIn task sequence actions, I use a WMI filter to target my 'Apply Driver Package' actions. Sometimes the target device is new and doesn't have an OS yet. Since WinPE doesn't run powershell, I can't use my regular command to find the model. Instead, try this. It'll return the model. wmic computersystem get model Testing the Driver Package for CompletionSure, you can wait until the OS is fully deployed, then run control panel -> system -> device manager, etc. You can also do this _during_ the task sequence . Anytime after the step named 'Setup Windows and ConfigMgr', press F8 to launch the command prompt, and then run the following command. mmc devmgmt.msc Driver Source Folder OrganizationWhen importing new drivers, there's a couple things to keep in mind.
SCCM Vendor PluginsLook into the Dell DCIP and Lenovo Thin Installer. They can automate a lot of the driver\bios work. |
SCCM 2012 Dev Installation - Scripted Posted: 03 Mar 2013 07:45 PM PST I have SCCM 2012, but I wanted to be able to quickly spin up development versions of our environment to test new features. I've put together some files and scripts to be able to do this quickly, and would love to share 'em with you. There may be a few steps missing, because the post is based off of my internal documentation. However, the script will get you 90% of the way there. Overview
Download the Required FilesInstall the Dev DomainFollow the instructions on my previous blog post: Installing a Server 2008 Dev Domain – Scripted. Create SQL 2008 R2 SP2 Slipstreamed MediaFollow the instructions on my previous blog post: Optimizing SQL 2008 R2 Install. Install ADCS on AD1 – Enterprise RootMany domains have a pre-existing single-tier PKI installed despite the fact that this is, in general, not the best practice. We will replicate this condition on our domain controller so that we have to work-around it.
Build the Offline Root VMSettings:
Install ADCS on CA0 – Standalone Root
Build the CAS VMSettings:
Prep and Install the CAS
Build the Primary Site Server VMSettings:
Prep and Install the Site Server
Alright! Your site should be up and running in HTTP mode at this point. You can streamline this process quite a bit after the first couple runs. |
Phong Le became a registered member Posted: 16 Apr 2013 12:46 PM PDT Comments: 0 |
Phil Schwan wrote a new post, Downloading MMS2013 Content with PowerShell Posted: 16 Apr 2013 12:32 PM PDT |
Garry Fabb joined the group System Center Service Manager Posted: 16 Apr 2013 11:58 AM PDT Comments: 0 |
Adam T. Lewis became a registered member Posted: 16 Apr 2013 11:10 AM PDT Comments: 0 |
Enhansoft wrote a new post, Reminder: April’s Free SSRS Report is Count of Adobe License Types Posted: 16 Apr 2013 11:00 AM PDT |
Andrey became a registered member Posted: 16 Apr 2013 10:42 AM PDT Comments: 0 |
Jennifer Shaffer joined the group Enhansoft Posted: 16 Apr 2013 10:06 AM PDT Comments: 0 |
Enhansoft and Jennifer Shaffer are now friends Posted: 16 Apr 2013 10:01 AM PDT Comments: 0 |
Verizon Wireless Made Discreet Bid for Clearwire Spectrum: Report Posted: 16 Apr 2013 08:30 AM PDT Clearwire told the SEC that a "strategic buyer," now said to be Verizon Wireless, offered it up to $1.5 billion for spectrum in "large markets." |
Posted: 16 Apr 2013 09:00 AM PDT By Nash Pherson - *CAT-LIKE STRETCH* Now that we're all well rested after MMS 2013, it's time to get back to work. Oracle was nice enough to release a Java critical security update that fixes a mere 39 […] Comments: 0 |
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