18 nov 2012

SCCM by Davis

SCCM by Davis

Posted: 18 Nov 2012 10:50 AM PST
ThumbnailThis blog is initiated by a question asked to Wally Mead during the SCUG Netherlands event last week. The question was if there is any PowerShell support for Boot Images in Configuration Manager 2012 Service Pack […]
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Posted: 18 Nov 2012 05:20 AM PST

SCCM – OSD Dynamic computer naming (dynamically generate computer name)
I have noticed that a lot of people is missing that funcionality in SCCM (2007 and suprise 2012). I honestly dont know why Microsoft has not built that in. I have been using custom builds of services or scripts to do that but in my case of big enviroment those solutions just did not work as expected. Therefore I have written my own custom Web Services (available in codeplex and here).Benefits are:

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Posted: 18 Nov 2012 05:06 AM PST
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Posted: 17 Nov 2012 03:42 PM PST
ThumbnailFor full details see http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/configmgrreporting/thread/6c00b44f-1b92-4c1b-924e-fd79c191d5e9 Select
dbo.v_R_System R
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Posted: 17 Nov 2012 03:42 PM PST
For full details see
Select      R.Netbios_Name0,      MAC.MAC_Addresses0  from      dbo.v_R_System R      join dbo.v_RA_System_MACAddresses MAC ON R.ResourceID = MAC.ResourceID   Where      MAC.MAC_Addresses0 in (          SELECT               MAC.MAC_Addresses0           FROM               dbo.v_RA_System_MACAddresses MAC          GROUP BY               MAC.MAC_Addresses0          having              (Count(MAC.MAC_Addresses0)>1)      )

Posted: 17 Nov 2012 01:38 PM PST
ThumbnailFor full details, please see http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/configmgrreporting/thread/80c794d7-a55f-4d13-985b-9b84efd6f9e7   SELECT
R.Name0 as 'PC',
CS.Manufacturer0 as 'Man',
Comments: 0
Posted: 17 Nov 2012 12:58 PM PST
ThumbnailFor full details, please see http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/configmgrreporting/thread/38f8a5c1-3b82-4ca4-b664-167b6c8226c5   select
r.netbios_name0 as nm,
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Posted: 17 Nov 2012 01:38 PM PST
For full details, please see

SELECT         R.Name0 as 'PC',       CS.Manufacturer0 as 'Man',       CS.Model0 as 'Model',       ARP.DisplayName0 as 'DisplayName',       ARP.Version0 as 'Version',      installdate0 as 'IDate',      datediff(dd,convert(datetime,cast(installdate0 as datetime),101),getdate()) as 'DateD'  into      #temp  FROM       dbo.v_R_System R      JOIN dbo.v_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS ARP ON R.ResourceID = ARP.ResourceID and isdate(arp.installdate0) = 1      JOIN dbo.v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM CS ON R.ResourceID = CS.ResourceID      JOIN dbo.v_FullCollectionMembership FCM ON R.ResourceID = FCM.ResourceID and CollectionID = 'SMS00001'  WHERE       ARP.DisplayName0 NOT LIKE '%Update%'     Select       t.PC,      t.Man,      t.Model,      t.DisplayName,      t.Version,      t.IDate  from       #temp t  where       T.Dated < 90    Drop table #temp

Posted: 17 Nov 2012 01:46 PM PST

SCCM by Davis

Posted: 17 Nov 2012 12:58 PM PST
For full details, please see http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/configmgrreporting/thread/38f8a5c1-3b82-4ca4-b664-167b6c8226c5

select      r.netbios_name0 as nm,      Count(r.netbios_name0)  from      v_GS_VIDEO_CONTROLLER vc      join v_R_System R on VC.ResourceID = R.ResourceID  where      vc.CurrentHorizontalResolution0 not like ''  Group by      r.netbios_name0  order by       R.netbios_name0

Posted: 28 Sep 2012 12:13 PM PDT
Currently, I am working on an important System Center project. During SCCM 2012 installation, I have encountered this error in the pre requisites checking step :
"Site System to SQL Server Communication;    Warning;    A communication error has been detected between the specified site system and the site database computer. This error can occur when the site database server is offline or if a valid SPN has not been registered in Active Directory Domain Services for the SQL Server instance hosting the site database. Setup cannot continue."
In my case, the database server is hosted on a remote server. I have done all the necessary configurations. But this error occurred. I have applied consequently the suggestion of registering the SPN of the SQL instance. That did not solve my issue. Don't forget of course to fix the SQL communication ports, because the dynamic ports when you have more than one instance cause many problems.
So I consulted the log file to analyze the issue and surprise ! I got these wonderful lines :
<09-16-2012 15:27:25> ERROR: Connected to SQL Server but failed to execute query IF NOT EXISTS (select * from master.sys.server_principals where name='DOMAIN\SCCMCOMPUTERACCOUNT$') BEGIN CREATE LOGIN [DOMAIN\SCCMCOMPUTERACCOUNT$] FROM WINDOWS; SELECT 1; END ELSE SELECT 0
<09-16-2012 15:27:25> save to ini file SQLCONNECT:DatabaseServerAccount\cmsql.
<09-16-2012 15:27:31> ERROR: Failed to connect to SQL Server SCCMCOMPUTERName.
So I have verified the logins section in my SQL Server and really the account was not created. What's the matter?
To understand the issue, try to execute the T-SQL query and bingo! this account cannot be retrieved and verified.
In my case, the NetBios domain name is different from the domain name without DNS suffix. The wizard detects the domain name and simply extracts the NetBios name by removing the DNS suffix like .com for example.
Let us suppose that your domain name is CONTOSO.COM. the SCCM wizard just extracts CONTOSO and considers it as the NetBios name, even it is different. After that, an account name is generated for your SCCM computer account using the extracted NetBios name. if the real NetBios name is different so the generated account is false and does not exist.
What to do?
Simply execute the SQL request by putting the real account name. you will notice that the request is executed successfully. Don't attribute privileges, the wizard does it for you.
Now, when you relaunch the wizard the error sill exists but don't worry, you can continue without any problem.
You will also have the following AD container errors even you have configured the necessary settings :
<09-16-2012 15:27:14> ERROR: Site server does not have create child permission on AD 'System Management'
<09-16-2012 15:27:14> WARN: Site server does not have delete child permission on AD 'System Management'
<09-16-2012 15:27:16> SCCMComputerName; Verify site server permissions to publish to Active Directory.; Warning; The site server might be unable to publish to Active Directory. The computer account for the site server must have Full Control permissions to the System Management container in its Active Directory domain. You can ignore this warning if you have manually verified these permissions. For more information about your options to configure required permissions, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=233190.
Don't worry, the error is due to the same reason and you can install the SCCM without any problem.
After installation please check your SQL server to verify the database creation and that the account you have created previously is attributed the right rights. Please check also the System management container in the AD and verify the information publication.
Posted: 28 Sep 2012 07:53 AM PDT
On the Inventory Collection tab of the Software Inventory Client Agent Properties recently I have stumbled upon an issue where the New icon has been greyed out and disabled, not allowing me add any new rules defining the software inventory scope.
After some googling around, this behaviour turned out to be documented and by design. In Configuration Manager 2007, there is a maximum limit of 64 rules. I am not sure if it is applicable to Configuration Manager 2012 as well, but it is worth to keep this limit in mind. Sometimes you learn things which are well documented the hard way.
For more information, refer to the Configuring Software Inventory Rules article on Microsoft Technet – http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc181215.aspx
Posted: 28 Sep 2012 07:52 AM PDT
Issue: SCCM Clients cannot install deployed updates.
Resolution: Check your deployment status either in console, or using SCCM report  (Software Updates – E Troubleshooting/Troubleshooting 2 – Deployment errors)
The cause of failure is "GPO conflict". Domain GPO overwrites SCCM Client settings and points the machine to corporate WSUS server. That is why Client cannot use SUP for update evaluation. It is necessary to either set GPO settings for Intranet Windows Update Server to "Not Configured" and let SCCM client configure local policy properly or put SUP FQDN and port instead of WSUS into GPO. If you are in migration and not ready to repoint all machines to SCCM  you can configure GPO to repoint the settings to SCCM for SCCM clients only using WMI filter (see more here )
Posted: 17 Nov 2012 05:38 AM PST
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Posted: 16 Nov 2012 04:30 PM PST
The data analytics service studies reams of data about a client's network and applications to learn about the network's performance and to find ways to improve it.
Posted: 16 Nov 2012 02:34 PM PST
I had similar issue, try the fix below:
Run: regedit
* Right-Click > Permissions
* Select, and add your account, grant it "Full Control" […]
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Posted: 16 Nov 2012 01:40 PM PST
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Posted: 16 Nov 2012 01:34 PM PST

SCCM by Davis

Posted: 16 Nov 2012 10:51 AM PST
ThumbnailIt's amazing how much the Internet and it's usage has grown. I can kind of remember I time without it, but that seems so very long ago now.

Compiled By: WirelesSatelliteInternet.org
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Posted: 16 Nov 2012 10:30 AM PST
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Posted: 16 Nov 2012 10:30 AM PST
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Posted: 16 Nov 2012 10:29 AM PST
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Posted: 16 Nov 2012 10:28 AM PST
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Posted: 16 Nov 2012 10:28 AM PST
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Posted: 16 Nov 2012 09:30 AM PST
Posted: 16 Nov 2012 08:42 AM PST
Psalm 119:147 I rise before the dawning of the morning, And cry for help; I hope in Your word.
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Posted: 16 Nov 2012 07:48 AM PST
Figured it out. You have to run the main installer first - its the top link before you get down to the updates. The updates are separate from the main installer. They are updates to the tool - not updates to […]
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Posted: 16 Nov 2012 07:38 AM PST
Me too. I get the error above- ed9ee86... The installer creates files at 2b64eff..., and ed9ee86 does not exist.
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Posted: 16 Nov 2012 07:32 AM PST
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Posted: 16 Nov 2012 07:17 AM PST
Posted: 16 Nov 2012 05:30 AM PST
A survey indicates businesses are rapidly adopting network-centric computing like unified communications and VDI platforms.
Posted: 16 Nov 2012 05:30 AM PST
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Posted: 16 Nov 2012 05:18 AM PST
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Posted: 16 Nov 2012 05:18 AM PST
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Posted: 16 Nov 2012 05:18 AM PST
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Posted: 16 Nov 2012 05:18 AM PST
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Posted: 16 Nov 2012 05:06 AM PST
Use this query to locate Java inventory. You'll need to modify the versioning information in the query to find the version you are inventorying.
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Posted: 16 Nov 2012 05:02 AM PST
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SCCM by Davis