6 feb 2013

SCCM by Davis: “Dana Daugherty commented on the post, Optimizing Concurrent Software Licenses Management” plus 19 more

SCCM by Davis: “Dana Daugherty commented on the post, Optimizing Concurrent Software Licenses Management” plus 19 more

Link to SCCM by Davis

Dana Daugherty commented on the post, Optimizing Concurrent Software Licenses Management

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 11:28 PM PST

That would then only give software usage info...not nearly enough info for proper license management and woefully inadequate for other mature SAM processes.

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Nathan Lamonski started the forum topic Offline Servicing Keeps Failing SCCM 2012 SP1 in the group System Center Configuration Manager 2012

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 07:53 PM PST

Has any one seen this? Below is my log file.

The Schedule with ID 16777266 will be run now. It's run time is at Wed Jan 23 21:25:19 2013 Eastern Standard Time SMS_OFFLINE_SERVICING_MANAGER 1/23/2013 9:25:19 […]

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Nathan Lamonski joined the group System Center Configuration Manager 2012

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 07:50 PM PST

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Nick Moseley wrote a new post, VBScript Disable NIC Power Management Setting

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 06:55 PM PST

ThumbnailThe following VBScript will disable NIC power save features.
' NAME: SetNetworkPnPCapabilities
' AUTHOR: Nick Moseley , <span […]

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FCC Plan for Free WiFi Super Highway Boosts Interest In Debate

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 08:20 PM PST

Descriptions of a free, public WiFi network capable of penetrating concrete and spanning town have people newly interested in an FCC agenda.

Nick Moseley wrote a new post, Failed in WinHttpSendRequest API, ErrorCode 0x2ee7

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 05:59 PM PST

ThumbnailRan into a situation where all CM07 clients at a particular site were not installed/active within the ConfigMgr primary site.  Digging into the ccmexec.log file on the clients, errors were generated repeatedly […]

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Rod Trent posted an update in the group System Center Configuration Manager 2012: Implementing System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 03:49 PM PST

Rod Trent posted an update in the group System Center Endpoint Protection: Implementing System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 03:49 PM PST

Windows Management Experts wrote a new post, Implementing System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 03:47 PM PST

ThumbnailEndpoint Protection now comes included with SCCM 2012. To use it, it simply needs to be activated in the SCCM client settings, and a policy created to manage it. This guide will focus on configuring these two […]

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Shaun Cassells wrote a new post, Solution: Outlook (2007,2010,2013,365) prompts me for credentials each time I open

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 03:23 PM PST


When your IT administrators update their exchange server or you switch to a new DNS alias or up in the cloud windows adds these new Generic Credentials into the Credentials Vault of your user […]

Comments: 0

National Free WiFi Too Impractical to Ever Come to Your Community

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 05:30 PM PST

NEWS ANALYSIS: The much ballyhooed stories about a free national WiFi network using 5GHz spectrum and white space ignore technical reality to create confusion and raise false hopes.

IT Council Agenda - December 18, 2012

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 02:36 PM PST

The next IT Council meeting will be held December 18th. The planned discussion topics include the second Campus Cluster instance, the SCCM endpoint management limited deployment, and the data center consolidation effort.

For information about this or other campus IT Governance efforts, contact IT Governance Executive Committee Chair Paula Kaufman, campus Interim CIO Paul Hixson, or itgovernance@illinois.edu.

SCCM 2007 + MDT 2010: Application in multiple roles

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 06:10 AM PST

Hi, Today I had a little discussion about how MDT handles duplicate applications within roles. The e

Décommissionner un site SCCM 2007

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 01:01 AM PST

La décommission d'un site SCCM 2007 est une étape inévitable dans un projet de migration SCCM 2012.
Cela n'est pas très compliqué en soi mais nécessite d'effectuer un certain nombre d'e taches dans un ordre bien spécifique.

Le technet est très complet et contient un article avec toutes les informations nécessaires à l'opération.Il y a entre autre un workflow qui permettra de vous guider tout au long du process.
Dans le cadre d'une migration il y aura toutefois une petite nuance à apporter : les clients étant assignés au nouveau site SCCM 2012 il ne sera pas nécessaire de les réassigner pendant la décom.


Par exemple, la décom dans une hiérarchie d'un site Primaire sans site enfant ce fera de la manière suivante :
Sur le site Primaire

  • Supprimer le lien du site avec son parent

-Dans la console Configuration Manager, accédez à System CenterConfiguration Manager / Base de données du site / Gestion de site / <code de site> – <nom du site>.
-Cliquez avec le bouton droit sur <code de site> – <nom du site>, puis cliquez sur Propriétés.
-Sous l'onglet Général, cliquez sur Définir le site parent.
Sélectionner l'option Site central.

  • Supprimer l'adresse de site

-Dans la console Configuration Manager, accédez à System CenterConfiguration Manager / Base de données de site / Gestion de site / <code de site> – <nom de site> / Paramètres du site / Adresses.
-Dans le volet des résultats, cliquez avec le bouton droit sur l'adresse que vous souhaitez supprimer, puis cliquez sur Supprimer.
(Il faut également supprimer l'adresse correspondante sur le site parent)

  • Désinstaller le site :

-Cliquez sur Installation de Configuration Manager dans le répertoire de fichiers de programme du menu Démarrer pour Configuration Manager.
-Sur la page de bienvenue, cliquez sur Suivant.
-Dans la page Options d'installation de Configuration Manager, cliquez sur Désinstaller Configuration Manager.
-Confirmez la désinstallation du site en cliquant sur Oui dans la boîte de dialogue de confirmation de suppression.
-Consultez la page Résumé de l'installation pour connaître les étapes suivies par Configuration Manager 2007 lors de la désinstallation du site principal.

Ferramenta Right Click Tools – SCCM 2012.

Posted: 12 Dec 2012 05:04 PM PST


Para quem é fã das ferramentas extras para o SCCM 2007 pode agora utilizar essas ferramentas na versão SCCM 2012.


Veja alguns menus que aparecem nos Devices com esse pacote instalado:

Client Actions:

  •      Branch Distribution Point Maintenance Task
  •      Discovery Data Collection Cycle
  •      Hardware Inventory Cycle
  •      Machine Policy Retrieval and Evaluation Cycle
  •      Software Inventory Cycle
  •      Software Metering Usage Report Cycle
  •      Software Updates Deployment Evaluation Cycle
  •      Software Updates Scan Cycle
  •      Windows Installer Source List Update Cycle

Client Tools:

  •      Restart SMS Agent Host Service
  •      Generate new SCCM GUID
  •      Rerun Advertisement
  •      Open Client Log File Folder
  •      Open Client Installation Log File Folder
  •      Assign Client to Another Site
  •      Change Cache Size
  •      Uninstall SCCM Client

Console Tools:

  •      Manage Computer
  •      Ping System
  •      Wake On LAN
  •      RDP to Console
  •      System Info
  •      Show Collections
  •      Running Processes
  •      Computer Management
  •      Connect to C$
  •      Interactive Command Prompt
  •      Reboot System
  •      Schedule Reboot

Veja alguns menus que aparecem nas Collections com esse pacote instalado:

SCCM Client Actions on Collection:

  •      Branch Distribution Point Maintenance Task
  •      Discovery Data Collection Cycle
  •      Hardware Inventory Cycle
  •      Machine Policy Retrieval and Evaluation Cycle
  •      Software Inventory Cycle
  •      Software Metering Usage Report Cycle
  •      Software Updates Deployment Evaluation Cycle
  •      Software Updates Scan Cycle
  •      Windows Installer Source List Update Cycle

SCCM Client Collection Tools:

  •      Restart SMS Agent Host Service
  •      Generate new SCCM GUID
  •      Rerun Advertisement
  •      Uninstall SCCM Client

SCCM Console Collection Tools:

  •      Ping Collection
  •      Wake on LAN

SCCM 2012 - Client Error Codes

Posted: 12 Dec 2012 01:31 PM PST

Originally posted by Chris Schauffer on MyITForum on October 27th, 2011.

Many of the client error codes from SCCM 2007 are used with the SCCM 2012 Client.  I work with SCCM 2012 and will be adding to this write up as I experience additional error codes.

Note: Error 53 has lots of reasons. The reasons I provided below are based on the machine being turned on. You can also get an error 53 if you run an AD system discovery and a machine no longer exists but is still in AD and DNS. To remedy this turn on DNS scavenging.

Error Code Reason
  • 2 – The system cannot find the file specified.
  • 5 – Access denied.
  • 52 – You were not connected because a duplicate name exists on the network. Make sure there is not a duplicate name in DNS and that 2 machines don't have the same IP in DNS.
  • 53 – Unable to locate – http://support.microsoft.com/kb/920852 – cannot connect to admin$ – Computer Browser not started – add File/print sharing to Exceptions in Firewall – turn file and print on.
  • 58 – The specified server cannot perform The requested operation
  • 64 – The specified network name is no longer available. Source: Windows
  • 67 – network name cannot be found.
    86 – network password is not correct? Machine Name <> resolved name.
  • 112 – Not enough disk space
  • 1003 – Cannot complete this function.
  • 1053 – The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
  • 1068 – The dependency service or group failed to start
  • 1130 – Not enough server storage is available to process this command. Source: Windows
  • 1203 – The network path was either typed incorrectly, does not exist, or the network provider is not currently available. Please try retyping the path or contact your network administrator.
  • 1208 – An extended error has occurred. Source: Windows
  • 1396 – Logon Failure: The target account name is incorrect. (NBTSTAT -a reverse lookup, duplicate IP address)
  • 1450 – Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service. Source: Windows
  • 2147749889 – Generic WMI failure (Broken WMI)
  • 2147749890 – not found – Source: Windows Management (WMI) – try repair WMI
  • 2147749904 – Invalid class – Source: Windows Management (WMI)
  • 2147749908 – Initialization failure – Source: Windows Management (WMI)
  • 2147942405 – Access is Denied (Firewall rule? / MacAfee-HIPS?)
  • 2147944122 – The RPC server is unavailable. (Dcom is miss-configured for security .http://support.microsoft.com/kb/899965 )
  • 2148007941 – Server Execution Failed

Windows Management Experts posted an update: Implementing System Center 2012 Endpoint […]

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 02:21 PM PST

Implementing System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection

Endpoint Protection now comes included with SCCM 2012. To use it, it simply needs to be activated in the SCCM client settings, and a policy created to manage it. This guide will focus on configuring these two items. The SCEP client installer is 25MB, and the XML files that control the policy are negligible in size. After install, the client consumes 23MB of space on the operating system.

There are several methods by which to install the SCEP client. The two most common methods are to activate the client using an SCCM client policy, or using the executable to either push it, or install it as part of a task sequence. This guide will explore activating it using the SCCM client.

Step 1: Activate the SCEP Client

Open your SCCM 2012 console. Select the Administration node, then Client Settings.

Select "Create Custom Client Device Settings" from the ribbon. In the client settings window, give your new set of settings a name and check the "Endpoint Protection" check box.

Check this box activates the Endpoint Protection settings, now shown in the left pane.

Select the Endpoint Protection pane on the left. Change the top option, "Manage Endpoint Protection client on client computers", to yes.

Modify the rest of the settings as needed for your environment. If you want the client to automatically install with the SCCM client, be sure to leave the "Install Endpoint Protection client on client computers" set to yes. If you set "Automatically remove previously installed antimalware software before Endpoint Protection is installed" to yes, it will remove any antimalware that you have installed. The next three options all control whether or not the device will reboot after the SCEP client is installed. The final option controls whether or not alternate sources can be used for definition updates. Set this to yes if you want clients to able to use WSUS or Microsoft update to update definitions.

Select OK to save the policy.

These client settings can also be added to an existing set of client settings.

Step 2: Create Anti-Malware Policy

Select the "Assets and Compliance" node. Expand the Endpoint Protection tree, and select Antimalware polices.

I do not recommend deleting the Default Client Antimalware Policy. It is always good to have a set "default" settings that come from Microsoft. I also do not recommend editing this policy. The "Order" column reflects the priority of the policy. Order 1 is the highest priority policy. If policy 1 and policy 4 are both applied to a collection, the settings contained in policy 1 take more precedence then policies in Order 4.

Select "Create Antimalware Policy" from the ribbon. Give your policy a name, and check the settings that you want to configure. Any settings that you do not configure here will be configurable by the end user.

Configure all of these settings to fit your environment's needs. A few highlights are setting up scheduled scans, configuring real-time protection, setting up exclusions, and how clients receive definition updates.

Setting up scheduled scans ensures that clients run either a quick or full scan at least once a week. This is essential in protecting client computers. I would recommend setting up a quick scan to run during off hours at least once a week. I would also recommend setting "Check for the latest definition updates before running a scan" to "Yes". This setting ensures that your clients are running the most update to definitions. Another setting here to pay particular attention to is the "Limit CPU usage during scans to (%)". Setting this will prevent SCEP from taking too much processing power.

I also recommend enabling "Real-time protection". Setting this up allows SCEP to scan incoming traffic for potential infections. Keeping the default settings are sufficient.

Exclusions are also important to configure. Keep all of the default "Excluded files and folders", because they are there to protect Configuration Manager. Excluding files, folders, or process prevents SCEP from removing them or preventing them from running. If you have problems with SCEP interfering, then this is where you come to exclude them from scans and real-time protection.

Definition updates are also critical to configure. Most of the default settings here are fine to keep with the exception of the highlighted option. Its default is set to 72 hours, but I think that potentially leaves the client unprotected. I prefer a 48-hour or even 24 hours window before it checks with Microsoft Update for updates.

Select OK to save the policy.

Step 3: Deploy Endpoint Protection and antimalware settings

After both the client settings and the antimalware policy are created, we need to deploy them to a collection. The same set of SCCM client settings can be applied to all devices that need to receive Endpoint Protection. If you need different antimalware policies for different computers, then create collections for these devices. I would encourage you to apply the antimalware policy first, then the SCCM client settings. This will ensure that devices have any specified exclusions before installing the Endpoint client.

To deploy the antimalware settings, select the policy and click Deploy from the ribbon. Select the collection that you want to deploy the policy too, and press OK.

The antimalware policy is now deployed to your collection.

To deploy the new client settings, go back to the Administration node. Select the Client Settings tree, and the client policy that you want to deploy.

Click Deploy in the ribbon. This brings up a similar window as deploying the antimalware policy. Select the collection that you want the client settings to apply too and press OK.

You have now deployed Endpoint Protection to your clients.

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Rod Trent posted an update in the group System Center Configuration Manager 2012: ConfigMgr 2012 SP1 AI sync issues resolved

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 02:07 PM PST

Rod Trent wrote a new post, ConfigMgr 2012 SP1 AI sync issues resolved

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 02:06 PM PST

Just had this note come across my desk.

It's highly important to note that the Asset Intelligence issues experienced by customers over the last few days have now been resolved.  The issue was not SP1 or any […]

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Pete Howard wrote a new post, Typical Vblock design at a glance

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 01:33 PM PST

ThumbnailThe following template consolidates all the parts and pieces of a Vblock implementation into one view with hyperlinks to connect to each component quickly.

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SCCM by Davis